Booking Information
For field rentals or information please call 403-208-6268 or email
Calgary West Soccer Centre Booking Policies
–Cancellations must be received by the booking coordinator in writing a minimum of 30 business days or full charges apply to renter.
-Amendments must be received by the booking coordinator in writing a minimum of 5 business days or full charges apply to the renter.
Full Field
Rates Do Not Include GST
71, 041 Square Feet
(120 x 66 Yards)
(110m x 60m)
11v11 Games
Half Field
Rates Do Not Include GST
35, 521 Square Feet
(60 x 60 Yards)
(60m x 55m)
1/3 Field
Rates Do Not Include GST
(66 x 42 Yards)
(60m x 38m)
8v8 Games
1/4 Field
Rates Do Not Include GST
(60 x 33 Yards)
(55m x 30m)
7v7 Games
Daytime Rates: $130/Hour
Rates Do Not Include GST
1/4 Field, Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 5 PM (Excludes Holidays)